Tea? (Part 2)

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Leg End Member
Easily bought then, is that a Yorkshire trait ?
See, doubts are growing that he's not a true Tyke.

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
Hmmmm something about myelf that wasn't already covered in my welcome thread? (You're only 5 hrs ahead of me... at least until daylight savings).
I don't own a TV. My oldest dog Lucy will be 6 in January, she was a rescue from a rural shelter at 5 month old. Gata Con La Raya AKA Cat was a 3 month old feral kitten I started feeding and she adopted me, she's 2 now. Nina is about 2 also I've had her about a year, found her in the middle of a 4 lane divided highway. I've had 2 kids both unplanned and gave up for adoption (my mom adopted the first one) as I've never wanted kids. I've done a lot in my life, nothing important really just unusual and extremely varied. Sometimes I feel like it's unbelievable when I talk about all my experiences.
The first time I rode (as an adult) a bicycle I bought a cheap "MTB" from Target and drove way out to a quiet road because I wasn't sure if I remembered how to ride. I still remember it well, I had a difficult time getting it started and getting my balance right it was hilarious. But I got it after a few tries. Rode about 6 miles everyday for a summer. It was years later when I got my next bike. Couldn't afford to keep the SUV; payments, gas, insurance and it was falling apart. I had recently met a guy who didn't have a car and rode everywhere (he has a Specialized Rouboix (sp?)) Decided I could do that too and bought a 1980 Schwinn for $30. Rode it until the chain wouldn't stay on the cassette (missing teeth) it was too big for me anyways.
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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
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