Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
Yes, rest is what I need currently. I have cancelled/postponed as many appointments as possible.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
4 days of :training: for the New Forest extravaganza otherwise known as pony and pitchfork dodging.

Is it this weekend? I shall have to cheer from a-far-ther then as I am taking my Mother to see the model Village at Southsea near canoe lake, or to be more accurate I am going there with Mum cos she said we have to and small people quite like it there and I did not come up with a reason not too.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
and N+1(by proxy) Sqeeeeeee!!:hyper:

Nearly new, and £250 from a well-known auction site. Sadly, we have a saloon car, and there's not a chance in hell it will fit in, so I'm going to have to collect it and ride it home.
From about 50 miles away.
I really didn't think this through, did I?:banghead:


Leg End Member
and N+1(by proxy) Sqeeeeeee!!:hyper:
View attachment 29179

Nearly new, and £250 from a well-known auction site. Sadly, we have a saloon car, and there's not a chance in hell it will fit in, so I'm going to have to collect it and ride it home.
From about 50 miles away.
I really didn't think this through, did I?:banghead:
Its doable. I ended up riding a Brox Quad into Manchester City centre & then through it and over 'Pennines. Total distance just over 40 miles.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Oh, I'm sure it's doable.
I'm just slightly apprehensive about doing a 50 mile ride on a trike I haven't even seen yet!

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
I could very happily decamp to warmer weather from November 1st and return on May 1st . If i win tonight i may even leave tomorrow :becool:
Well Feb. March and April it's guarenteed to be freezing and wet no ice though. January is always a toss up on weather could be dry and 50's wet and 60's or 4 degrees like the first winter I was here. Usually December is low 60's daytime high 30's @ night and every Christmas I've been here (3) it's snowed over night and melted by afternoon
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