Tea? (Part 2)

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
What I need to do is win the lottery and go and live somewhere warm for 6 months of the year, or if the summer was like last year 12 months of the year.

But i thought Yorkshire was Gods country and no Yorkshire man in their right mind would ever leave ? :eek:


I lived in Yorkshire for a few years, I don't any more. Yorkshire is just somewhere for Lancastrians to get angry about so they don't pick on Cheshire.

Just saying :whistle:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
But i thought Yorkshire was Gods country and no Yorkshire man in their right mind would ever leave ? :eek:
My dad worked with someone in the Midlands who went up to the Yorkshire Dales for every summer holiday. He swore blind that he would move up there when he retired. My dad suggested that he had a winter holiday in the Dales before committing to the move ...

So, the 64 year old chap had a Christmas holiday in the Dales, went back to work in January, and announced that ...

... the move was off! He moved somewhere warm instead. :thumbsup:

somewhere in america

member of the unknown
What I need to do is win the lottery and go and live somewhere warm for 6 months of the year, or if the summer was like last year 12 months of the year.
I'd trade places with you anytime... you can have this hot humidity. just remember take twice as much water as you would normally and wear half as much as you would in the summer and you'll be okay for a few miles.
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
@somewhere in america that's 22 miles from France for your geography :smile:
21.5 miles of which is seawater! :thumbsup:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I could very happily decamp to warmer weather from November 1st and return on May 1st . If i win tonight i may even leave tomorrow :becool:

I was thinking more like from the 1st oct until march/april time, I would want to come back so that I could flaunt my tanned legs while everyone else was all white.
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