Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
The cafe got invaded it was horrid, Arch, Sarah and Classic fought bravely to stop them getting into Tea:hugs:
Whereas I ran away and hid! :blush:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Ha - I checked ... I am definitely right. Take a look at the profile below, taken of my 2006 'lumpy' 200 km ride from Hebden Bridge, which just happened to take in the aforementioned climb/descent. I have painted a red circle to highlight it.

View attachment 28960

So Mr Sportive aka Phil is only going on a short trip through the dales then not the full 200k that you did?

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.


We won't let them in here, if they attempt again we will start talking about baking and get @Puddles in to start teaching us the finer points of banana cake. Surely they couldn't find something to argue around that
...... she says knowing the reality is some of them could start an argument in an empty room.

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Arch could threaten to teach them how to knit or how to make bows out of recycled paper.

We could also post more photos of cute kittens and other baby animals.

Like it @Speicher i have a few pictures on my desktop ready for an invasion.

What did you think of the young Montalabano last night ? I actually though it was better that the older version.


Vice Admiral

Best hide all the buns, just in case they could start a bunfight. :unsure:


West Somerset
Happy birthday @skudupnorth




We won't let them in here, if they attempt again we will start talking about baking and get @Puddles in to start teaching us the finer points of banana cake. Surely they couldn't find something to argue around that
...... she says knowing the reality is some of them could start an argument in an empty room.
Hang on a minute - I've got TWO banana cakes baking this very minute. As far as I'm aware @Puddles can only manage one at a time!
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