Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
I like that but hang on that's cake we are talking about, don't waste it on those twerps please.:eek:
Those twerps have their own tea thread :giggle:



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I like that but hang on that's cake we are talking about, don't waste it on those twerps please.:eek:

It's frozen cake, so wrapped in foil it should survive throwing and we can retrieve it afterwards.

In other news, I think NT and I are officially middle aged. Today we helped a friend deliver a couple of armchairs to another friend, picked up an Ebay purchase, had lunch in a nice cafe, went to B and Q for a bag of plaster (and ended up buying the lighting we need for the upstairs) and then went to a garden centre.

All very relaxing, apart from the idiot who decided to overtake us at about 50 in a temporary 30 zone, in roadworks, where there were about 1 and a half lanes of space available, and the outside lane was rapidly narrowing with cones.



Puzzle game procrastinator!
I've been rearranging my room so I can sit at a desk with a computer again. I have spent 13 months using my laptop on my, er, lap, and my legs stretched out in front of me on a stool. It didn't feel like a very productive way to sit, but my gammy leg wouldn't take sitting at a desk.

The bad news is that I am not sure it will take it even now! It is great being able to type sitting upright again, and my trusty Microsoft optical mouse is a huge improvement on a trackpad (at least - it will be when I can train my fingers to stop heading for the trackpad!), but after just an hour of sitting at the desk, my leg doesn't feel wonderful. I'll get up and walk around a bit, and then try it again this evening with the seat lowered.

Damn trackpad - there I go again, sliding my finger across it and wasting a second or two each time before remembering the poor, neglected mouse next to my right hand! :laugh:


It's frozen cake, so wrapped in foil it should survive throwing and we can retrieve it afterwards.

In other news, I think NT and I are officially middle aged. Today we helped a friend deliver a couple of armchairs to another friend, picked up an Ebay purchase, had lunch in a nice cafe, went to B and Q for a bag of plaster (and ended up buying the lighting we need for the upstairs) and then went to a garden centre.

All very relaxing, apart from the idiot who decided to overtake us at about 50 in a temporary 30 zone, in roadworks, where there were about 1 and a half lanes of space available, and the outside lane was rapidly narrowing with cones.

If you believe that recreational drugs means taking two zantac before you go out for a curry then you're middle aged :laugh:
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Midlands UK
Mushroom risotto for dinner tonight :hungry:



Have just got in from a :bicycle:. There was lots of :rain: and guess who neglected to take a waterproof.:shy: (well, it wasn't raining when I set out.)

Have got mint hot chocolate to warm up with.:thumbsup:
What a shame you got wet. It's been glorious up here in Sunny Sheffield. I've only ridden to the supermarket and back, so can't say I've taken full asvantage, though my washing is still out.


Leg End Member
What a shame you got wet. It's been glorious up here in Sunny Sheffield. I've only ridden to the supermarket and back, so can't say I've taken full asvantage, though my washing is still out.
What was it you went to buy & what did you actually buy?
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