Tea? (Part 2)

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:hello: Wol

:thumbsup: Rocky


Feel like you need something to make you go alll gooey?

Take some emergency kittens


Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Number 1 son took this video for the company that he is working for.....I'm not jealous

It's him at 2.46 free diving (I wish he wouldn't do that)

Great video, what a lucky lad to have such a fantastic job. Long may it last for him.:thumbsup:

Bet Mrs RM has kittens with his free diving.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

Car unpacked, laundry on, :cuppa: made.

Just consuming the last of the chocolate buttons my sister had got for me for our picnic yesterday. The uneaten ones went back in the hamper in the car in the sun, and then into the fridge, and now look sadly like a relic of Hiroshima.

Yesterday we had a whole day at Mottisfont where we completed the whole Winnie-the-Pooh trail, with much running, hopping, jumping, drawing and clue solving. End result, thorough exhaustion for all, badges for the littles, and many happy memories!

Before we left this morning, Max spontaneously gave me the 'freight train' he'd drawn and cut out. I shall be framing it.

What's this about redecoration? Do I need to get my plastering trousers on?


Midlands UK

Car unpacked, laundry on, :cuppa: made.

Just consuming the last of the chocolate buttons my sister had got for me for our picnic yesterday. The uneaten ones went back in the hamper in the car in the sun, and then into the fridge, and now look sadly like a relic of Hiroshima.

Yesterday we had a whole day at Mottisfont where we completed the whole Winnie-the-Pooh trail, with much running, hopping, jumping, drawing and clue solving. End result, thorough exhaustion for all, badges for the littles, and many happy memories!

Before we left this morning, Max spontaneously gave me the 'freight train' he'd drawn and cut out. I shall be framing it.

What's this about redecoration? Do I need to get my plastering trousers on?

:hello: welcome back


Midlands UK
I have a long history of trouble with my right ear which as a result the specialist advised me not to scuba dive, I snorkel but wear an earplug. I do envy Rocky, number 1 son, TVC and all those lucky enough to be able to dive and see so much. Snorkelling in the Maldives blew me away with the beauty of the fish and the fact that it was a whole different world down there and they were just going about their business.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
A favourite moment from yesterday:

One of the activities on the trail was to built a house for Eeyore, like Pooh and Piglet did. In a clearing in the wood, a lot of suitable long thin branches had been left there for the purpose. Several 'houses' had been constructed and left by previous children.

While Oli, his Mum and Dad and NT started work on a new 'house', (and I set to, and constructed a tiny one out of twigs), Max decided he needed some source material of his own to bring to the party. That long branch there would do. Ok, so it's already part of a wigwam type structure, and three times his height, but never mind, give it a good tug.

There was a glorious slow-motion, house-of-cards collapse of the wigwam, with much clattering. Then, a moment of silence, and a little voice declared:

"I got a stick!"

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