Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
I prefer the two gents that do the TDF myself. They are doing the USA pro tour at the mo, or at least they were doing it in Denver earlier in the week.

Phil Liggette does the TDF and started doing the Vuelta yesterday, Graham Jones the gravely voiced fella was involved with the Halfords Tour Series amongst others


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Evening all. Just a quick hello before we go to bed. We've had a fun day at the aboretum, where we looked at trees and butterflies and sculpture and a huge treehouse. Lots of fun.


Legendary Member
Morning All :hello:


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
You never know what's just around the corner... yesterday Mum-in-L had a mini-stroke so we were at the RVI until 11.30 helping Mrs A_T sort out 'stuff' that needs doing and supporting F-in-L with the shock.
Thankfully Mum-in-L is making good progress so early signs are promising. Everyone and everything at the RVI is wonderful.
:hello: Today's a lovely day.


Vice Admiral
I do not want to put a thread on the forum as a whole but can anyone help with this? Someone has given a well-known supermarket bank my address in error. So I am now getting letters from the bank's solicitors chasing non-payment of car insurance. I have spoken to, and written to, both the banker and their solicitors now, explaining the situation.

If I receive further correspondence from them, what should I do? It is for a relatively small amount, £35, I think, so I do not expect Bailiffs to break down my door, but still wonder what to do.
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