Tea? (Part 2)

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
You've done all you can Wol so I'd let them sort it out themselves.... presumably the bank and the solicitors have the person's name and security information- they can do a search to [eventually] realise that that person is not resident at your address... hopefully. Just pop any correspondence, unopened, back into the postbox; crossing out your address and writing 'not known at this address' so they get the message.


Vice Admiral
Thank you Archie. I opened the first letter, because it said "Final Demand" or some such on the envelope and I wanted to know what was going on. The next letter, I returned "not known at this address" as you said. The next letter from the bank, and the one from the Solicitor I opened to see who to reply to in a stiff letter. I hope this is the end of the matter.


Vice Admiral

In my case, they have not used my name. I suspect, because it is a very foreign-sounding name, that there is a mistake with the postcode.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I need tea and lots of it. I have done battle with "big bertha" as the Dutchie is now known or another b word mostly today, I lost, well,..... I managed to finally find the yellow window on the sturmey archer gears and adjust, but in finding the window I had taken the wheel off, now I can't get the wheel back on true and the brakes seem to have adjusted so they are constantly on and I give up on adjusting those and I also appear to have mangled the wheel nuts at this point I give I up and am about ready to cry.

Then hubby phoned to say you know I was ment to be off this weekend but am working but we decided it was okay as I had taken holiday next weekend? I say yes, he says well they have cancelled my holiday next weekend :sad: and I am still working this weekend

Adn every damn mobile bicycle repair person in this area seems to have suddenly become v.v. busy for the next couple of weeks :cry:


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
:hugs:Wol, I've been through this before and I know that it can be a worry.

I had my identity stolen by someone who took out two mobile phone contracts in Bromley (a place I generally avoid) a few years back. What you have done is correct and there is not much more that you can do. It is unlikely that the bailiffs will be sent but you do have to get reassurances from the supermarket bank that this is a case of identity theft and that they should not use this mis-information to affect your credit rating in any way.

My case was resolved because the criminals gave a wrong middle name and date of birth on their forms. It is likely that the person who used your details also did this. It's easy to get a name and address from a telephone directory but they have to guess about more personal details. I was slightly shocked that the police were not interested - apparently identity theft does not imply that someone has stolen anything from me. They would have been interested if the phone shop had reported it, as it had suffered a loss through fraud.

Initially, the phone shop wanted me to send a copy of my passport and a sworn letter saying that it was not me. I refused to do this because of the cost and the potential for personal data going astray again. In the end, they sent me a letter which I had to sign and return confirming that I had not taken out the two contracts.

The bottom line is to have a written audit trail pointing out that the error is theirs and that you are the victim of identity theft. You could call them to make sure that they understand this. Good luck :thumbsup:
Wow, never thought about any of that Rocky... just shows how naive I am at times!

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Hope the g
You never know what's just around the corner... yesterday Mum-in-L had a mini-stroke so we were at the RVI until 11.30 helping Mrs A_T sort out 'stuff' that needs doing and supporting F-in-L with the shock.
Thankfully Mum-in-L is making good progress so early signs are promising. Everyone and everything at the RVI is wonderful.
:hello: Today's a lovely day.
Hope the good progress continues Archie x
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