Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
Sorry being a long long reader of his work I hate to do this but I have to - that would be "books" not book, it was first released as a series of 6 books, before it became one book, I know this because I anxiously awaited each new release every month and it is a brilliant book

TBH I haven't read that many of his, I saw the advert for the film and decided to read the book first then watch the film. I wasn't aware it was more than 1 to start with. You learn something new every day :thumbsup: I prefer to read a book as it can explain so much more than a film and you have to use your imagination. He has written so many I couldn't read them all even if I wanted to.


Legendary Member
Rocky and TVC, Thanks for that, it looks really good I'll give it a try soon. I'll try and get MissGM to come as well, she is the far better swimmer and she's got her Bronze Medallion.:thumbsup:


Well done TVC just catching up on route home. Now you've done which exotic location are you going to take Lou so that you can use it and she can sip cocktails by the shore? :-)
Well, last year it was the Maldives, this year it was Thailand, next on the list is Belize^_^


South Somerset
Well done! :bravo:

Bishops Lydeard to Elworthy crossroads. It's when you come round the sweeping bend, look up and your heart sinks...

Is that the one where if you go straight across you get to the raleigh pub? I keep meaning to go in there on a sunday afternoon, but have yet to actually set foot in the door. :cry:
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