Tea? (Part 2)

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I'm here HW, full day at work and cooking tea for Lu. Done now, just spotted page 2500 is coming up


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
We have cake, User76 chose bacon sammich for dinner so she was appeased with bacon & egg & buttered bread which she didn't eat much of, she is teething, she is not really eating the cake she chose either - hey ho bath & bed for the small person soon, eldest small person should be back tomorrow evening I think if tomorrow is Friday?


Good evening to you both. Thought you may have been out enjoying yourselves again.

What the nibbles of choice this evening, chocolate or scampi fries?
We have neither in the house, and I wasn't thinking about it until you raised the subject. I may have to go to the shop now :rolleyes:

Oh, and if we are being formal, good evening to you too Hill Wimp.


Vice Admiral

Would you like to be the Landlord at The Bull? The public house is up for sale.
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