Tea? (Part 2)

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Photo as promised, btw, my face isn't really that chubby



Legendary Member
I'm just watching the highlights of the Vuelta on ITV4 and the adverts are really annoying me. The strap line from the Barclays football league one is "to follow is to love" - I don't think so :ninja: grrrrrrrrrr

Yes I'm watching it now. Grrrrrr indeed!!


West Somerset
Is that the one where if you go straight across you get to the raleigh pub? I keep meaning to go in there on a sunday afternoon, but have yet to actually set foot in the door. :cry:
No, the last hill taking you to the foot of Mount Elworthy. Incidentally, I'm told that the pub's not worth the effort to get there, even by :secret:car:secret:
Well done TVC !!! Great achievement. :bravo:( Which one of these dubious looking characters are you ? )
He's the one who looks like how rocky looks in my head...


Well-Known Member
So after a long summer of trips, camping, surfing and generally everything but cycling, I'm home!
However not for long; moving to Bristol come next Tuesday for sixth form.
So how is everyone doing? *hands tea all round* :cuppa:


West Somerset
I guessed right. +1 @coffeejo :laugh:

Well thats my dreams shattered then :biggrin:

Assuming the chef from South Africa is still there, I highly recommend The Rising Sun in West Bagborough. :hungry:

So after a long summer of trips, camping, surfing and generally everything but cycling, I'm home!
However not for long; moving to Bristol come next Tuesday for sixth form.
So how is everyone doing? *hands tea all round* :cuppa:


Fabulous cycling in and around Bristol: you'll soon forget those other silly hobbies :giggle:
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