Tea? (Part 2)

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace

I did a good deed when I was out with the dog earlier. Found someone's expensive phone on the road and reunited it with its owner :angel:
:thumbsup: I rang my mum's mobile last week and a stranger answered. I asked him why he was answering my mum's phone and he explained he was the driver of the bus on which my mum had left it. He'd been waiting for someone to ring as he felt uncomfortable using it. I drove to Hexham to meet him at the end of his shift and collected it. For his kindness I gave him a reward which he initially refused but I insisted.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I met bromptonfb in Hebden Bridge a few months back and we found an old fella's iPhone in a pub. We handed it in to the bar staff and directed him to the bar when he came back to look for it. He was pretty chuffed to get it back.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
My niece, out shopping with a friend, left her smartphone on a clothes shop counter while paying by card, but realised at the door and returned to get it. The shop assistant denied seeing it and made a show of looking for it so the friend of my niece rang the number... it rang in the back office! The police were called...


West Somerset
If only Snipe was this relaxed when it's her bath time...



South Somerset
Wednesday is my day off so.....

1) remove tyres and fit old tyres (oe) to Hybrid - check
2) Wait in for parcel No. 1 - Check
3) Wait in for parvel No 2 - whats that on the floor, the post office we tried to deliver card grrrrrrrrrrr, chase postie, get parcel - check
4) Fit parcel No1 contents to bike - check
5) Fit content of parcel No2 to bike - check
6) go for ride to tweek and twiddle. - check
Now for a :cuppa:



Looks like I'm an Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver:wahhey:

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