Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
:laugh: No chance. Mrs GM has just made a nice big Irish Soda Bread, that'll keep me going for a couple of days:whistle:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Normally, I have instant noodles and a pickle sandwich for my lunch at work. It's cheap.

Today, I had some leftover veggie chilli to eat up, so I took that, intending to have noodles with it. But one of our recycling households (a chap who runs a small bakery out of his house!) gave us a leftover sourdough bread, so I had a few slices of that instead! Free lunch!

Back to noodles and a pickle sandwich tomorrow.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Damn, I wondered where it was...

:headshake:getting a bit forgetful aren't we


West Somerset
Back from a short ride followed by a long bath. As a kid I was always scared about having the electric light in the bathroom and hated having my bath during the winter (a) because my mother didn't believe in central heating and (b) because it would be dark so the light would be on :ohmy:

Bedtime :hello:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I wish they had left it on my doorstep I could have magically transformed it into a bicycle :whistle:

A colleague of mine really wants a top rate tourer, to his own very specific spec. Has done for years, only ever had bikes that 'will do'. Done tonnes of research, had test rides, mulled the choices over and over and over, narrowed it down to two, thinks he wants the Thorn.

However, his Japanese wife needs a visa, a costly business, and their budget means it's one or the other.

We did ask him if he was sure he wanted his wife, and very loyally, he said he did.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
A colleague of mine really wants a top rate tourer, to his own very specific spec. Has done for years, only ever had bikes that 'will do'. Done tonnes of research, had test rides, mulled the choices over and over and over, narrowed it down to two, thinks he wants the Thorn.

However, his Japanese wife needs a visa, a costly business, and their budget means it's one or the other.

We did ask him if he was sure he wanted his wife, and very loyally, he said he did.

Not a serious cyclist then.
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