Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

You don't have a butler that would change the batteries and save you getting out of the bath?


I get NT to get out and sort it out...

I don't have a tablet* but I can swim fairly well. Just so you all know.

I've got tea, and easy ready made salad for dinner. Trying to decide whether to make a last minute tiny batch of jam.

*Unless you count the paracetamol I had earlier when feeling crap.


Smutmaster General
Where's @Fnaar when you need him?

Is it a Cocker Spaniel?


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Time off for good behaviour?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I just made a micro batch of jam - two jars. I've got tonnes of blackberries, but only one cooking apple.

That's a jar to go in Mum's hamper, and one to take to my sister. I've got plenty of berries left to go in NT's freezer for a proper batch later.

In other news, I just took a swig of water from my bottle, coughed, and ended up inhaling water up the back of my nose. Ow!

Had a very lazy dinner - a bowl of ready made pasta salad, and a chocolate mousse. The best thing is, no washing up. Although I've still to tackle the jam pan...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Saw these reduced in Morrisons.


I so hope there's the word 'tail' under that sticker!


Following Arch's picture. Lu and I went to the supermarket tonight. At a set of lights there was a young buck in his pride and joy car, all the usual add ons. However, carefully, yet boldly finger written into the grime on his tailgate was the evergreen jape-"I love cock". Complete with perfect smiley face, this had me laughing out loud, purile I know, it's the thought of his reaction when he finds out.
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