Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset


My Armchair
I don't have a tablet....
I believe @wolly has just upgraded her equipment :whistle:



Vice Admiral
I do not have a Tablet puter thingy. My mobile phone was purchased in 2007. The laptop puter is new though.

One of the houses opposite me has been empty for about a year. There is now a small removal van parked very close to the garage. I cannot see if they are putting things in the garage or taking them out. It could mean that there might be people moving in, or that the house will be put up for sale. :unsure:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Any of you techy types care to offer an opinion on these speakers or offer an alternative? I'm not after anything super-duper but don't want to waste my money. :music:

Do they have to have a docking station for an Apple device ?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I don't think I've ever know someone who couldn't swim ... is there any reason why not? (Just curious.)
My mum never learned to swim, despite her childhood village being on the west coast of Scotland, only a 5 minute walk from a great beach. She told me it was because the water was usually too cold, and the nearest pool was many hours away.

I know people who can only just swim! A friend of mine told me that he found it really hard because his body is not buoyant. I have huge lungs, so if I take a deep breath I bob around happily on the surface. He demonstrated to me that when he stops treading water or swimming, he immediately sinks! As a result, swimming is very tiring for him. I had a 10 year break from swimming, but was then able to just dive in and swim continuously for 90 minutes, no problem.

I'm afraid that vanity might have finished my swimming career though! With the huge fluctuations in my weight over the years, and my recent health problems, I really don't like the look of my body any more. Everything now seems to be old, battered, lumpy, or stretch-marked - I don't even like to inflict it on myself, let alone the general public! Legs from the quads down, and arms below the t-shirt line are my limit now ... :laugh:
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