Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Jo has the fence recovered now ;):giggle: ,............... just kidding

Don't you mean, no of-fence intended... :giggle:

I'm tired too. Still, it's been a nice relaxing day with no deadlines, nothing to do beyond get a few groceries in.

We saw 4 A4s at the NRM, and had a go at the speed challenge - to build a vehicle out of some random bits of correx and lego, and see how fast it went down a long ramp. NT, predictably, constructed swift, robust machines. My first attempt caught some air on a hump, and disintegrated on landing, and my second wedged itself halfway. The third finally made it to the end!



Midlands UK
I'm up :hello: but I can't see any penguins.

Here's 1



I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Well that was fun, quite windy but otherwise nice then in the last 7 or 8 miles it chucked it down and I have just stripped off all the bits and pieces I can from the bike including the mudguards so I got quite wet.

But I cant complain it was the first time since last year that I have got properly wet and on the up side I managed the fastest average I have ever done :thumbsup:
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