Tea? (Part 2)

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:cuppa: Morning. As per Archie's instructions I have fed the penguins

To the loins.

I had to take the wrappers off first though, they couldn't manage it, no opposable thumbs you see.


Midlands UK
I'm up :hello: but I can't see any penguins.



Chores done for the morning, just a quick shower then it's off to the zoo. Photos of Heffalumps, Orangs, and Wols may be posted later.

Booked my Advanced Open Water Diving Course for the end of the month, once I've got that I can go as deep as Rocky :wahhey:


Legendary Member
Chores done for the morning, just a quick shower then it's off to the zoo. Photos of Heffalumps, Orangs, and Wols may be posted later.

Booked my Advanced Open Water Diving Course for the end of the month, once I've got that I can go as deep as Rocky :wahhey:

Where are you going to do that TVC? There's a course in Peterborough but all my mates tell me to go abroad to do it. PADI that is.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
[3 foot in the shallow end....]
Morgens alles!:hello:


Where are you going to do that TVC? There's a course in Peterborough but all my mates tell me to go abroad to do it. PADI that is.

It's at Stoney Cove, just south of Leicester.
If you just want to dive on holiday, then do it in warm waters abroad, if you want to do proper man diving in a dry suit then learn here. However, the advantage of doing it here is that you don't eat up large chunks of your holiday doing pool training. If the course is in Peterborough, then the open water diving is likely to be in Stoney Cove anyway.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Any of them penguins left ................ oh there's one




Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
After a full and tiring day yesterday, I was all set to sleep in as long as I liked today.

So of course, I was wide awake at 7.45.:rolleyes:

Time for a slow start, then a day of intensive mooching about.
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