Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset

Got completely soaked yesterday afternoon. Rumbles of thunder and everything. Also ended up with a pounding headache after finding myself on the receiving end of a pretty nasty electric shock - went to lock my bike up to the metal fence post of chain link fencing and came into contact with the mains-powered electric fence (which had a warning sign ... out of sight on the other side of the tree). I've had electric shocks before and this was more than just ouchie-sweary. Don't know if the headache was physically or mentally related to it but it's still throbbing today though not as bad.

Is the kettle on?

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.

Just stopped for lunch - corned beef on rye bread sandwiches and a pack of chocolate raisins. I'm on a health food kick at the moment (as advised by my dietician, Potsy).

Oooooooo sounds fun TVC. Do you get to go to 40m in Stoney Cove brrrrrrrrrrr

You are missing some jelly babies. Din't you read the thread on their great nutritional value the other day ?:laugh:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Here's a picture just in case anyone is missing me :laugh: :laugh:


We are 15 miles from Emden looking out across the water to Delfzijl in Holland.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2

Is that one of them "selfies" i keep reading about that the celebs keep posting ?


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!

Are those electric boxing gloves Jo ^_^
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