Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I take it they've rounded up all the chimps that got out the other day. I gather they were promised ice cream to tempt them back in!


The chimps are back in, but the Orang Utans are complaining that there is nobody to butle for.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Would you like them to phone or would you prefer a text
I prefer to receive a letter telling me when to check for the email which will be sent to announce when the text will arrive to set up the phone call to discuss when the person in question will be coming to meet me! :wacko:

Anyone seen my medication? (I could've sworn it was here somewhere ...) :whistle:

Night Train

Maker of Things
Well, you can give them my number and tell them I'm hiring....
Hiring? I didn't know you were planning on paying them!:ohmy:

I saw this at Pickering.

I used to have one just like it, but in green. I miss it.:sad:

We also saw this really cute little tipper truck, it is smaller then an original Mini.:wub:


Gives me ideas.....:whistle:

Then when we got home I found the best use for the rear Brompton Block on the back of Tiddles. For bringing home the take away!:thumbsup:

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