Tea? (Part 2)

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Über Member
South Liverpool
Off to work now!! Hadn't realised tonights tour stage was an evening affair!! Woo hoo I'll be able to see it live rather than dodge the news until the highlights!! Have a good day folks!

Night Train

Maker of Things
I'm up and about to make a :cuppa:

Morning everyone.:hello:

Edit: Arch beat me to the kettle! ;)


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Bonjour :hello:

I'm not coping very well with crowds so we might find somewhere with a big screen and sit and watch the race from there as a plan B. We'll see.

The thing is you'll often get a better view that way, as the TV cameras see all the race, not just the blurs in Lycra. Where ever you are, arm yourself with some properly French food, and bottles of Orangina or wine as your preference takes you. I've always found Orangina a wonderful drink in France, much nicer than it is here, I think it's like Guinness it doesn't travel well. Of course when I drink it in France I'm always hot from cycling so that might be something to do with it....

We're taking a picnic out with us today, bread, cheese, ham and salad.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
:hello: another warm day.

I will be off out for a ride later finishing up in York later on this afternoon for the Cycle Racing round the centre, and rumour has it they will have the TDF on a big screens dotted around York.


Pity we're t'other side of t'ills this weekend! Mind you, racing isn't something I'm so bothered to watch. I enjoyed the Brompton relay a couple of years ago though.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Morning all, :hello: yes please to :cuppa: after what feels like weeks the temperature in the house has finally dipped below "hotter than hades" this morning and small people slept last night finally, ^_^ although they woke up very early this morning :sad: at 5 am & I am even more not with it and after decimating the fruit bowl they now are asking for pancakes - they are waiting I need more coffee before being put near a gas flame.

Mr Puddles is having his shift changed all over the place due to 2 naughty people being sacked at his work so I have lost track completely of when he is & isnt home, small peoples social whirlwind calendars have ramped up to epic proportions, my printer has broke-ed which is a pain as school has just emailed all the holiday homework needing printing and eleventy million forms for printing & signing :wacko: Just discovered all Maggot's holiday swimming clothings for going away with parents need adjusting at the waist cos she should be fatter - currently they look like clown pants (tis very odd they fit everywhere else but the elastic has no room to ping in as it were & all different stores too)

On the upside the ironing is done and it is 14 days till both small people disappear for 16 days and I shall have to remember what I did with myself before small people arrived!


West Somerset
Having a lazy morning before we head into Paris. Nice to have some peace and quiet though would rather be sitting in a cafe than hotel. Ah the joys of coach tours. Keep reminding myself I wouldn't be here otherwise and ignoring the voice that says how good that sounds. :rolleyes: Had a bit of a breakdown last night. So grateful that my friend is incredibly patient and understanding.

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