Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
What type of running do you do Lu?
What sort of distance/speed?

10k's darling


My Armchair
I once tried to run a mile. It would have been quicker if I walked!
I've tried a few times over the years to get into running, a mile was always a good target for me to do without stopping/walking.
Never stuck at it long enough to go much further.
Wasn't expecting it to be any different this time, so surprised myself at being able to do 2+ miles straight away and 2.7 today.

Will be harder once I go back to work to find time to carry on though.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I've tried a few times over the years to get into running, a mile was always a good target for me to do without stopping/walking.
Never stuck at it long enough to go much further.
Wasn't expecting it to be any different this time, so surprised myself at being able to do 2+ miles straight away and 2.7 today.

Will be harder once I go back to work to find time to carry on though.
That's good, well done.:thumbsup:
I wonder what the cycling equivalent would be, running distance compared to pedaling distance?

I think the only reason I can increase mileage cycling is because I can coast between bursts of power. I just don't have the right sort of muscle and metabolism for that constant, and unceasing, plodding at any speed.
I even work in bursts of activity followed by rest.
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