Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
That's good, well done.:thumbsup:
I wonder what the cycling equivalent would be, running distance compared to pedaling distance?

I think the only reason I can increase mileage cycling is because I can coast between bursts of power. I just don't have the right sort of muscle and metabolism for that constant, and unceasing, plodding at any speed.
I even work in bursts of activity followed by rest.

Yes, it's insane going out anywhere, he's like one of those Jack Russells, running ahead and back all the time... ;)

I'm a plodder. If I have to hurry, I scuttle. I'm good at scuttling.

By the way, I think someone on here was out at MediaCity tonight:

Night Train

Maker of Things
We went out to see a French theatre performance called 'Waterfools' at Salford Quays. It was a sort of 'bizarre' floating production that included boats, a bike, a Fiat 500 and a caravan, along with numerous other waterborne devices, including pop up street lights and pyrotechnics.

Really good show, photos later.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Also, I saw these:

I didn't realise the red rope barrier stuff was such an effective obstacle to them. I mean they've even conquered stairs these days...

Anyway, the thing we went to see was good, although it started late and we had a rather restricted view. Some cool ideas and contraptions though, and some bicycle action:



And I still haven't grown out of my childhood wonder at the sight of the letters BBC on the side of a building. Growing up, the BBC was our only television, and TV Centre was a sort of mythical place where it all happened. So I still find it very cool to look up and see those letters on the side of MediaCity. We did wonder if we'd be visible in the background of the 10pm NorthWest News....


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I entered a BBC Dr Who competition when I was about 7 or 8 years old.

A couple of weeks later, I got a letter telling me that I'd won a dalek so I was really excited, until the prize arrived - it was a flatpack dalek origami kit at about 1/20 scale.

I felt really disappointed and sulked a while, but then I constructed my model dalek and decided that it actually was pretty cool after all! :becool:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I was at an archaeological conference at Cambridge a few years back, and it also happened to be Science Week or something. We were all in a ground floor classroom, watching a presentation on something or other, when a Dalek trundled past the window. Well, you can imagine how much attention was paid to the last 10 minutes of the lecture, and then we (mere students and learned professors alike) all dashed outside, and there it was, a full size Dalek, with a bloke inside trundling it round on casters with his feet, and shooting people with it's 'laser' gun (water pistol)


And I still haven't grown out of my childhood wonder at the sight of the letters BBC on the side of a building. Growing up, the BBC was our only television, and TVC was a sort of mythical place where it all happened. So I still find it very cool to look up and see those letters on the side of MediaCity. We did wonder if we'd be visible in the background of the 10pm NorthWest News....


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Just seen this on Twitter. From the Lambeth Country Show, a vegetable Patrick Moore:




2.30 wide awake. There is a party going on in the distance, a proper big speaker ragga party. On the other side of the house to our bedroom, so Lu is sound asleep. But, I bet those half a mile closer to it than me are pretty miffed right now.
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