Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
The water supply was restored at about 5am today.


Thank you for the :cuppa: that you sent by pm. It appears to have been jiggled about a lot on its way here, and most of the tea was in the saucer. :blink:


My Armchair
It's too warm :surrender:

too warm.jpg


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
The water supply was restored at about 5am today.


Thank you for the :cuppa: that you sent by pm. It appears to have been jiggled about a lot on its way here, and most of the tea was in the saucer. :blink:

Ah well, as long as it got there, you can drink it out of the saucer..

NT and I just had a lovely lunch - pie, cheese and stuffed sweet chillis from the Farmers' Market, and salad leaves picked from the IncredibleEdible planter on Church St. Picture to follow....


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We thought it was quite "TVC", except we didn't have any slates to serve it on. Could have sent NT up to the roof to fetch a couple, but we didn't want to waste time tucking in!

The cheese is Lancashire with Mint, it's rich and refreshing at once.

It's terribly tempting, the Farmers Market. We also bought a jar of jam, and I got some tips from the ladies selling it about making my redcurrant jelly. Also, we sampled their fig jam, very nice, and something we might try if NT's fig tree does as well as normal this year.


You learn well young Jedi


Does look very good Arch, and Rocky would approve of the pickle. Fish finger butty for us.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
You learn well young Jedi


Does look very good Arch, and Rocky would approve of the pickle. Fish finger butty for us.

NT says did you fillet the fish yourself and make your own breadcrumbs?

The pickle is an Onion Chutney bought from the market a few weeks ago, very nice. I'm really into the idea of making jams and stuff just now. The fig jam we tasted was really lovely - lots of Christmassy spices in it, would be wonderful in the depths of winter. Apparently it's a WI recipe, so I might have to treat myself to their book...
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Night Train

Maker of Things
I am feeling very :wacko:

I think I had a minor migraine last night as I retired to bed with what I thought was a headache from the heat.
Everything is a struggle today, very lethargic and brainless.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
:hugs:, NT.......it's a virtual hug because it's a bit too warm for a real one. GWS, would a :cuppa: help?

We're just having a :cuppa:. Might do a smidge of tiling later, but we're planning to go out tonight, so I'd rather NT rested and felt better.

To be honest, after a week or working out in the heat, I'm enjoying a bit of lazy time too...
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