Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Happy what's left of your birthday! :birthday:
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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
My boss bought us ice cream this afternoon:hungry:

God, it was a hot day. Not helped by my workmate for the day spending what seemed like about 50% of his time either reading texts or replying to them.:cursing: Although thinking about it, I don't think I did a higher proportion of boxes than normal, so maybe he's not that efficient anyway....:rolleyes:

Night Train

Maker of Things
You are just like me, except that you have talent and get things done! :laugh:

I was just wondering - is that a trailer that weighs 400 kg, or one that can carry 400 kg? :whistle:
400kg gross. I will need to weigh it to see what payload it will take, probably around 300-325kg. My car can tow 650kg unbraked.

My other trailers are 1300kg gross and 400kg unladen.


Vice Admiral
This evening I have had to rescue another frog from the patio, and put him/her safely out of Tasha's way.

Another cat ventured into the house, and was cornered by Tasha. Much hissing ensued, and the younger/smaller cat eventually made a hasty retreat. It was a smaller version of herself, but Tasha was obviously not impressed.


Vice Admiral
The dishwasher is repairable, at significantly less cost than a new one. ^_^


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
The trouble is, the more one tries not to say it, the more likely one is to blurt it out ...I suppose it is like a mild case of Tourette's!

It's like the famous Diana Dors story...

"Not a lot of people know that the English film actress Diana Dors
was actually called Diana Fluck.When the blonde bombshell was
asked by her hometown to open their annual fête, the local vicar
was called upon to introduce her to the crowd by her real name.
Naturally, the vicar was somewhat nervous as the big day
approached, and his nerves grew and grew until finally the
moment was upon him. According to local legend, the vicar
concluded his introductory speech with the words,‘And now, here
she is, the woman the whole world knows as “Diana Dors”, but
whom we will always remember as our own Diana Clunt . . . ’"
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