Tea? (Part 2)

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This is me on my new laptop puter. ^_^

The tinternet connection might need a bit more tweaking. It gets onto the internet super speedy, but sometimes it takes a long time to load a page.:scratch:

It has been very :sun: here today. The little boy next door was playing in his paddling pool, and I thought about joining him.
Page loading could be down to the antivirus scrutinising everything it sees. Have a quick look at the task manager ans work out what is hogging the processor time, on mine it was a HP optimisation program that was constantly checking everything and prioritising procesdor time. I deleted it, bingo.

BTW lu wil be along in a bit with pics of tonights barbie


Vice Admiral
Thank you TVC. I think I know what you mean. :blush: So I need to delete the bingo?


West Somerset
Hope you are unscathed at the end of the day. Enjoy!!!
I'm fine, apart from thanking my lucky chromosomes after sitting down on the crossbar. One of the women we were introducing to MTB was not so lucky and is in hospital overnight and will be in theatre tomorrow.

She came off and her right leg took the brunt: a whopping bit of flint carved a gash about six inches long in her shin right down to the bone. It's just below the knee, which started to swell almost immediately, so they're going to take a look under general anaesthetic to check out the knee but also clean it properly and check for gravel as it's so close to the joint.

What's even worse is that she broke her ankle this time last year and has only just got her fitness back.


Midlands UK
Ok people, picture time

To start with we had corn cobs



Midlands UK
The main course



Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I'm fine, apart from thanking my lucky chromosomes after sitting down on the crossbar. One of the women we were introducing to MTB was not so lucky and is in hospital overnight and will be in theatre tomorrow.

She came off and her right leg took the brunt: a whopping bit of flint carved a gash about six inches long in her shin right down to the bone. It's just below the knee, which started to swell almost immediately, so they're going to take a look under general anaesthetic to check out the knee but also clean it properly and check for gravel as it's so close to the joint.

What's even worse is that she broke her ankle this time last year and has only just got her fitness back.

Ouch Ouch Ouch!
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