Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
When we upgrade to a smart TV that is something I've been thinking of

It only works on some tv's, currently some of the panasonic and LG ones I think but I can watch it on my phone, tablet and PC.

The cycling from otley that I went to watch is on later as well, the only downside is you cant record but the most popular stuff is available in the on demand videos section.


Midlands UK



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

Is that lampshade thing on the right on a rigid arm, or is it blowing a gale in that picture?


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Is a very un-bounced Puddles, User76 has the hang of steering & pedaling the tricycle (of which Mummy is very jealous of) and so we managed to pick up a bargain 10" bicycle from Gumtree today for her only to find she is still too dinky for it :sad: not that it stopped the little hooligan deciding she could pedal standing up (giving Mr Puddles a heart attack) down the road to show Nana her new pink big girl bike - hopefully we are due for a growth spurt as she is going chubby in the face and rotund in the belly which usually indicates that growing is about to happen - until then the bike shall have to be hidden to save from tantrums :sad:
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