Have fun Jo.
Right, I have to stay in for the postie this morning, so the car is going to get it's annual deep clean. Then I might sneak off to buy some dive gloves, have a cheeky ride, then it's BBQ time
Postie didn't bring letter I was waiting for - it needed a signature and was supposed to have been redelivered this morning by arrangement, Post Office workers would always be found sober in a brewery.

Car is now nice and shiny again, looks like it's about ready for new tyres though.

Been to the dive shop and it is now a joinery business, ho hum, I'll have to go to Stony Cove instead

Ride this afternoon? It's quite

and it is the first mountain stage today...... I feel an early morning ride tomorrow coming on instead

BBQ, everything is in the fridge, and the BBQ is clean and ready to go
Which one do you want Rocky, the red one or the yellow one, and what about their bikes?