Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Buy locally made honey for hayfever, a spoonful a day is supposed to help stop the hayfever after a couple of months but it needs to be local to your area so I heard, so it has your local pollen


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Buy locally made honey for hayfever, a spoonful a day is supposed to help stop the hayfever after a couple of months but it needs to be local to your area so I heard, so it has your local pollen

Well, he had toast and local honey this morning, but the problem is, his main locality isn't the same and mine, and we tend to do our cycling over my side!

Night Train

Maker of Things
51.94miles today. :wahhey:
I wanted to go around the block to bring it to 52miles but Arch said No, I felt comfortable enough to do a ride down to Pluto and back on route 65 but that would be another 26 miles and I would probably have to do it on my own I think. :unsure:

Still, when I do my imperial century I might decide to wear cycle clothing instead of the tee shirt, jeans and steel toe boots. No chaffing problems but I might look more like a 'proper' cyclist.;)

I figured I will probably do a 75 miler as the next step after a couple more 50 mile rides. I might even do a 50 mile ride with a trailer on tow. :thumbsup:

I couldn't have done it without Arch, she knew the way and offered lots of encouragement, though I did feel bad when I found I was still active and not aching and Arch was flaked out on the bed. It was the other way around a couple of years ago.:blush:

Tiddles' folding pedal is suffering after the ride. Very clicky and noticeably wobbly. Time for a replacement bearing I reckon.

So, at some point we will need to plan rides local to me to build up to the century ride. Not looking forwards to ride with proper hills though.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
So, at some point we will need to plan rides local to me to build up to the century ride. Not looking forwards to ride with proper hills though.

The thing about hills though, is that for every up, there's a down. Our route today was virtually flat, but that means you do have to keep pedalling, and headwinds are more constant.

Next time, I might take us out west, Tadcaster and Wetherby way, it's a bit more rolling. Should have done that today, we'd have had a tailwind coming home...

Just had a nice plateful of whiting in parsley sauce, new potatoes (dripping in butter!), sweetcorn and salad, all very healthy (except the butter!).



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT and I found a romantic potato:



West Somerset

Fingers crossed the laptop gets sorted this week. Bought a graphics tablet instead of an internet thingy tablet less than a day before the poot died ... as timing goes, that sucks :rolleyes:



Vice Admiral
You have been to Corsica?

Jealous, me? no no no, not at all. :whistle:

It does look very nice. The helicopter shots yesterday of the coastline looked lovely, turquoise sea in places. How long is the flight to Corsica? Or did you take a ferry from Nice? Where did you stay? Am I asking too many questions?


West Somerset
You have been to Corsica?

Jealous, me? no no no, not at all. :whistle:

It does look very nice. The helicopter shots yesterday of the coastline looked lovely, turquoise sea in places. How long is the flight to Corsica? Or did you take a ferry from Nice? Where did you stay? Am I asking too many questions?
Why would you ask that? :whistle:
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