Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Just getting ready to hit the roads, a few hills on route today, might end up doing 500ft of climbing :tongue:

I did more than that getting out of bed this morning :training:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I've now got a horrible task to do...my iPhone of 7 months has packed up. So I've got to go to the Apple Store at Brent Cross and convince them to give me a new one. I've been searching the interweb and it seems that lots of people have had the same problem grrrr. My son has just taken ownership of a Nokia 100 costing £17. If the phone is on standby a charge lasts 35 days. Oh, and you can make calls and send texts :giggle: so I suspect I might get one.

Get an android rocky :thumbsup: the S4 is a nice phone.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
871 ft in the end :sweat:

Quite nice out there, warm bit windy, plenty of cyclists out on the lanes :hello:
I did 8.71 ft too - I went downstairs to make a mug of tea and brought it back up to the 'office'!

Nearly time for today's 'wasp sting'. The jab is normally almost painless, followed by a slight throbbing as the drug permeates the belly fat . Friday's did hurt a bit though so I reckon the nurse managed to find a nerve ending with the needle. It's like closing your eyes and throwing a dart at a dartboard - every now and then at random, the dart will hit the bullseye!


Vice Admiral

I have to have a (routine) blood test tomorrow. The last time this was needed, they took three attempts to get it right. The first one was not labelled, the second one was "inconclusive". :scratch:
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