Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
The ice-cream van usually comes round at about 5pm on a Sunday. Anyone for an ice-cream?
99 for me, ta :mrpig:


Puzzle game procrastinator!

I have to have a (routine) blood test tomorrow. The last time this was needed, they took three attempts to get it right. The first one was not labelled, the second one was "inconclusive". :scratch:
Good luck this time!

I had a doctor wake me up at 04:00 at Northampton General to do an admissions check. Fair enough, it is a potentially life-threatening condition so that made sense, but what bugged me was her trying for 3 or 4 minutes to find a vein to do a blood test. It was stressing me out, and I'd only had one done about 3 or 4 hours earlier so I asked if it was really necessary. She said no, so I said good, don't do it then! :laugh:


Vice Admiral
Yes, Lullabelle, Corsica looks lovely. Mountains and the seaside close together. ^_^ I have been asking MDB about the trains running on Corsica as well.

The winner of today's stage looks very nice as well. :secret: No name given, so as not to spoil it for Colin.


If the winner looks nice then Colin can be certain it wasn't Cadel Evans.

Early tea tonight, pulled lamb, leek gratin and new spuds. Now Lu is washing up and I have retreated to my sick couch *cough, snort*.


Unfortunately not, in addition to running the winding dept I am also the chief coil winder, which means I have to wind all new designs myself. Right now I'm doing samples for a new customer, so I have to get on with it to hit the deadlines.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Unfortunately not, in addition to running the winding dept I am also the chief coil winder, which means I have to wind all new designs myself. Right now I'm doing samples for a new customer, so I have to get on with it to hit the deadlines.

Now I have a vision of one of those pieces of art made by winding coloured string round pins stuck in a board, like we did in the 70's.

NT and I are back from our ride - we did 50 miles! First time at the distance for NT, and he's hardly out of breath!:cheers::bravo::highfive:

I'm knackered!:tired:

Having a rest and :cuppa:, then I'll get dinner on the go.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
He'll be online later, he's having a shower to try and wash away the pollen, his hayfever has been bad today. But it was a good ride, albeit the wind was a bit againsterly on the second half. Should have gone the other way and had the tailwind coming home, but I knew this route and the likely distance we'd do.
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