Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
My workmate Steve informed me gleefully that the forecast for tomorrow is dreadful, rain all day, and he was glad he's not working.

Then he told me he's off to the seaside tomorrow on a trip with the Steiner school.

Later on, I said, well, I hope the weather's not too bad for you tomorrow, and he went :blink::eek::banghead:

He hadn't made the connection himself...

Home now from a little social outing to pick up a widget NT is going to fix.

Having :cuppa:, and still digesting my dinner!

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Home now from a little social outing to pick up a widget NT my butler is going to fix.


Night Train

Maker of Things
Wet and miserable weather here too.

Why am I suddenly feeling very anxious and panicky? Almost too scared to leave the room. :scratch:
I am going to get up and do the washing up after breakfast and then leave the room and see what happens. I will even go outside into the rain. Must break the cycle quickly (the vicious kind not Tiddles).


Vice Admiral
I think I will have :cuppa: and take it easy and put my feet up as well, thank you.

It is not raining here but it is warm and humid. :sad:


Vice Admiral
I am trying to give some serious thought about the process of emptying my Mother's home. She is 92 years old. So at some point I will be responsible for sorting the contents. My brother said to just sort out want the family wants and then call in a House Clearance company. No, I do not think so.

Over the past twelve months I have been gently asking her, as the subject has come up, of who she would like to receive certain items that she owns. This covers most of the items of sentimental value.

The house is full of good stuff, not rubbish. So I have made a list of the telephone numbers of some local charities. For instance she has some handbags which would be described as "Vintage". Oxfam on their website, sell these at a realistic price. The local (to her) Lions Club will collect furniture, as does a local charity for the homeless.

I do not want to discuss with her in detail which Charities should receive her possessions. I am assuming that my judgement on this, together with that of my other brother, is sufficient.

As to larger items like the garden furniture, I think it would be easiest to give these away to her neighbours, to save transport costs.

There is a lot of china, glass ware, bed linen and towels, but I assume that family members could use these. Then there is about 500 books, presumably Oxfam would sell these in one of their Book shops. She does not have many clothes.

This is it in a nutshell, but can any one else think of other things I need to take into account?

I was surprised by how long it took me on Monday to find out the location and telephone numbers of the local charities, including which one are able to collect donated items. So I think it was a good idea to start the process so that I have a clearer approach to this. It may seem morbid to think about such things, but I would rather make some preparations towards the inevitable.


Vice Admiral
Her paperwork is relatively sorted. Over the past few years she has done a lot of shredding of old bills, letters etc. There is a box file, correctly labelled for Gas, Electricity, Insurance etc, and then ones for Instruction leaflets etc for the washing machine etc. (Finding a pen in the house might be another thing altogether.)

Her desk when she was using it, was neat and tidy. She is a regular user of the local Resource Centre for the blind, although she is partially sighted. Her computer equipment, including scanner(s) etc would go to them, if no one in the family wanted them. Also the various Cd players would go to them.

I have also been encouraging her, with limited success, to give away items that she no longer uses. She is unable to go out shopping on her own. So, sensibly in my view, she has started giving away items to people instead of birthday or Christmas presents. For my nephew's Wedding present recently she gave the newly married couple one of her sets of table linen. My nephew's new wife like to entertain people at elegant dinner parties, so that was a good idea. My brother received the Mahjong set. I am hoping she will continue along those lines, when people visit her. She has given me a silver tea set.

I have tried to encourage her to give away some of the books to people she knows who are interested in particular subjects. Last week-end she gave away two books, printed in circa 1950 about Indian cuisine. There are about at least fifty or more cookery books, like Mary Berry and Delia Smith. Some of the other books might be very dated by now.

The "Ebay without money changing hands" sounds like Freecycle. I have used that in the past very successfully. It has, however, changed immeasureabley over the years, and I do not think I would use it now.

She gets on very well with her neighbours, and they are very kind to her, and help her as much as possible. Most of them have large families, so that big items could go to them and/or their families.

There is a garden "shed" which is strongly suspected to contain asbestos. This could be a huge problem if it needs to be removed. Eighteen months after my father died, we sorted out the contents of the attic. I do not think there is anything left up there.

I agree that the whole process is very emotional. Sorting my father's possessions after he died, was very upsetting for me. Fortunately my mother was able to do that mostly on her own. I am hoping that some of the family will help me with this process, but they may well just leave me to it. This is why I am trying to do some planning ahead.


Vice Admiral
Work finished for the week. I have manflu and a fat lip. Not a happy bunny.

HUG smiley.gif for TVC

Will Lullabelle be home soon to look after you?


She's already home, we work at the same place. I whacked myself in the mouth with a mahoosive lump of steel this morning, leaving me with the kind of lip you only see on a bad boxer.
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