Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Anyway, I got in feeling rather empty, so made a very quick dinner of fish finger sandwiches, which I wolfed down. Feeling a bit xx( now...

And I'm going out for a beer at 7! I'm hoping the walk will settle my stomach a bit.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
I don't know, but I think butlers were rather grand servants, and I'm not sure they'd stoop to garage and stabling matters.

Hmmph - yes in large households. Is your's large enough for more than one servant?

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Ha ha ha....no I think the 20th century caught up with them :laugh:

My grandparents were almost Victorian in their outlook....snobbish, upper middle class, with friends in the 'City'. It was the done thing to have a maid servant in their social circle. I wasn't very fond of them because they didn't like young children - even their own grandchildren. They could never show any emotion or love.....that would be letting the side down. They also felt that my father married below himself - something my mother (who is now 80) has never got over.

Oh Crumbs Rocky. I was on the tail end of that "children should be seen and not heard" attitude from some of my older relatives. Childhood in Victorian society must have screwed quite a few up.........:sad:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
What is wrong with a fish finger butty? The law states they have to be served with ketchup :hungry:

I had one with, and one without. Partly due to only having enough ketchup left for one....

I don't do it often, but I wanted a quick supper. I just ate it too quickly....

Night Train

Maker of Things
When I was a kid I quite fancied a job as a butler, or a chauffeur. My folks weren't as keen on the idea of me 'going into service'.
Then again I guess I can understand given that my Mum's family had staff before the cultural revolution.
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