Tea? (Part 2)

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Potsy must be one messy eater! That bowl belongs to my little mate James :-D He's pretty cool!

And thanks @Arch, I love it :smile:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
It was very :heat: on this evenings ride.

I didn't do 26 miles and I didn't 36 miles and I didn't do 57 miles I did 35.77 miles.

Someone scalped me on the way over the moors :cursing: so I gave chase and managed to keep up with them on the decent from the moors into Otley, I was aiming for 40mph+ but I only managed 39.52 mph :becool:.

Got back at 10:10pm and it was still just light and still :heat:

I am looking forward to hitting the sack and trying out my new mattress that was delivered to day to go with my new bed :tired:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
^^^^ I've got a good mattress, but a sh1t bed frame, so I cannot wait for the new one. I have a feeling when you get into your bed, it will feel pretty epic!

The difference just changing the bed frame from a divan to a proper metal bed was amazing I woke up feeling rested instead of feeling knackered, so I thought I would treat myself and replace the 10 year old mattress as well.

When I took the old bed to the tip I had to chop it up to get it into the car and after seeing how it was built I wont be buying another divan, it didn't have the support it should that's for sure it was crap for what it cost.
My new bed has 2 rows of proper slats, the divan was 2 wooden boxes with cardboard stapled to the top and then covered in fabric :thumbsdown:

The new mattress is sprung then it also has a layer of memory foam on top of that, I had a devil of a job getting a fitted sheet that would fit over it as it is a lot deeper that a standard mattress.


Do more.
Morning all :cuppa: needed, can I get one for anyone else?

Yes please. Can't believe its my day off and I am awake at this ungodly hour. Having said that, it is like a three hour lie in....

Excited to get out on my new bike (did I mention I'd got one?) but have to wait until as late ad 12pm because a delivery guy is supposed to re delivering my punchbag before then. I hate waiting, and this is like a double wait!

Night Train

Maker of Things
We've been up and about (slobbing out on the sofas catching up with the internet) for a while now. Had a :cuppa: and breakfast and about to head out.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Back from my ride - 27 miles today (a different route and on a different bike - just in case anyone thought I was boring). :cuppa:?

Just had a cheese and coleslaw doorstep :smile:

A coleslaw doorstep? I hope you wiped the mayonnaise off your feet when you came in...

We've been out for a potter round town and some shopping, and had lunch, and in a while I'm going to set to and make a dress out of carrier bags.:crazy:
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