Tea? (Part 2)

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De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Just realised I missed my 4th CC birthday on the 16th!!! Boo.


Über Member
Hi all not been on for a while, the new job is keeping me really busy. The course manager is treating me a bit like his secretary.


Do more.
Needs an immediate photo posting of said bike as soon as you get home...:wahhey:

Its (do we give bikes a gender ????), its currently in some packaging, awaiting a few additions, I.e. fitting pedals, lights. Once it/she/him/shim is ready, I shall post the photo :-)

I just eating tea... Sacrilege when I have my new toy waiting I know, but I'm starving!


Vice Admiral
We don't seem to have seen Jo or Wol today. I hope they are alright. Here's a treat for them:

I hope that is one each. Sharing ice cream could get very awkward and/or messy.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
<sings> I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK...

We've been busy today. We spent the morning sawing up logs with the help of NT's friend who is going to have the wood for his stove:


We took turns working in pairs, and working with the single person saw. It's a good workout! We filled the back of his car anyway.

Once we'd finished, NT and I decided to have an afternoon out at MOSI. Things got off to a shaky start thanks to the trams not running, but we got there eventually after a magical mystery bus ride, and had a cuppa and a wander round the aviation hall. Then we went for a pint in the sun, overlooking the canal.

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