Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
He thinks he wants to be a surgeon.....I suspect he'll become a GP or go into academia like his mum. Being a surgeon or a GP would be good for income.....if he decides to work in a university, we'll end up keeping him for the rest of his life.

One of my customers is a GP and having seen his house I can confirm his wallet will be minted.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
That's just what I want to hear. Perhaps I can start dreaming of an n+1..........and I have the very bike in mind. I was in Covent Garden yesterday meeting my niece and her new baby. I popped into the Specialized bike store and fell in love with an S-Works Venge bike - originally priced at £11,000 but now reduced to £8,500. It looked lovely and it was my size.....but then I had a vision of the battering that I'd get from Mrs R when I brought it back home :laugh:

Oh I saw that one in the concept store, a bit pricey.

You should be thinking along the lines of H+1 :thumbsup:

I got a flyer through the post from PlanetX today they have opened a store in Barnsley so I will have to take a trip over there sometime and have a look. I am not looking for anything this year but maybe next.


Vice Admiral
Yesterday, I nearly failed at one of the challenges I was given. :sad:

Sometimes, the people who supply the cakes for the Pump House decide to change things a bit. So instead of providing delicious cakes about 9 inches in diameter, (which are then cut into 8 slices of equal triangley shapes) they made some different flavour cakes in much smaller sizes. The smaller ones are about 3½ inches in diameter and 4 inches tall.

Considerable debate has been taking place over the past week, as to whether the new smaller cakes are big enough to be cut into two :unsure: and shared by two people who are having :cuppa: or an alternative beverage at the café. Or are the cakes small enough to be eaten by one person? :scratch:

Therefore as a dedicated volunteer, at lunchtime, I was asked to partake of research into the above parameters. Halfway through eating the cake, I was nearly ready to admit defeat. I decided to save the second half of the cake to accompany my :cuppa: at three pm. However, I was consuming the cake while sat outside in the sunshine. the temperature was warming up considerably, and I doubted the cakes abiility to survive the warmth of the day, so bravely I proceeded to eat it all. ^_^

Unfortunately my research proved inconclusive regarding the size of the cake. It may need to be repeated next time. I was able to state categorically that the cake contained extreme deliciousness in great quantities. Perhaps I can prevail on Wocky to set some more rigid parameters regarding research into cake sizes.


Vice Admiral
I think that should be a statement and not a question. :giggle:

Would it be unsafe in a scientific sense to set that out as a statement before constructing ones parameters?

I think that "time of day" must be one of the parameters. Lunch for me had included a bowl of carrot and corriander soup accompanied by a thick slice of (unbuttered) whole meal toast. The cake was the second part of lunch.


Vice Admiral
:hyper: It looks like my neighbours are seriously considering adopting a puppy. Leo and Tasha looked distinctly unimpressed just now, when I told them. :unsure:

I am cognisant that cats choose their owners staff. Do dogs choose their owners as well? :scratch:


West Somerset

I've been having computer issues. Mr Computer Bloke prodded and tweaked it this afternoon and it worked perfectly until he turned his back. Managed to bribe it into working again but if I vanish, the sound of glass breaking will be my tenancy deposit going out of the window along with the laptop.

Congrats to Rockyhill.
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