Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

Ah, gawan, gawan,gawan,gawan Father...

We've got a friend coming over at 10 to process some logs. NT has made me tea and breakfast in bed again. I feel like a queen.

Albeit a queen who has some labouring to do later, but anyway....

Night Train

Maker of Things
I was knackered yesterday, very lethargic and lacking energy. I did sleep all the way through last night and so woke up with my alarm and got up to get on with stuff.

:cuppa: and a slab of porridge now.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Just to let you know, I am back from my ride and I didn't do 37 miles. I did a different route.....24 miles.

As I didn't go via Tulisa's house, I'm afraid that I am not able to update you all on her news. I'm sorry because I know Wol will be very disappointed.

What a coincidence I didn't do 37 miles last night or 24 miles either I did 23.75 miles


I know where my towel is
Been enjoying the thread, so I thought I would make :cuppa: to say thanks


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
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