Tea? (Part 2)

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:hello: Jo, TD, Wocky.

Up early and heading out to get some shopping from Toolstation, and maybe Wickes if I have time.
Just finish my :cuppa: first.

You really should be buying your kit from Cromwell Tools :stop:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Cheers Rocky.
I'm feeling a but low and a bit meh but I am hoping to beat that with a bit of activity.

I was struggling with the 'weights and measures' for my EVan-Tricycle last night. I can't get the centre of gravity low enough to prevent it from tipping over, if cornered hard, while still having a reasonable front/rear weight distribution. To get it stable I end up with over 80% of the weight on the front wheels. That not only reduces traction from the rear wheel but also means doing stoppies when breaking!

I might have to look at making it a four wheeler.

Honey seat over the back wheel?

Just don't say anything about that being where the motor sits too. ;)

I'm on a train, got out nice and early, and I'm on holiday!!!!!!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I just glanced at the woman who sat next to me at leeds. She's texting. Her phone is encrusted with stick on jewels and pearls. Talk about naff! Must double the weight of the phone, and one day the glue will fail and she'll end up with a bagfull of bits!! Looked like the proud creation of a three year old. I expected to see a couple of pasta shapes and a milk bottle top in there.


Cheers Rocky.
I'm feeling a but low and a bit meh but I am hoping to beat that with a bit of activity.

I was struggling with the 'weights and measures' for my EVan-Tricycle last night. I can't get the centre of gravity low enough to prevent it from tipping over, if cornered hard, while still having a reasonable front/rear weight distribution. To get it stable I end up with over 80% of the weight on the front wheels. That not only reduces traction from the rear wheel but also means doing stoppies when breaking!

I might have to look at making it a four wheeler.
Just turn it round, rear wheel steering, Thrust SSC style.


Vice Admiral

I think I need a new lawn mower, and that I would like a Bosch cordless one. There are three different ones according to the size of the lawn. So, :scratch:as it was :rain:yesterday, I tried to calculate the area of the back lawn just by looking at it from indoors. :wacko: while I was :addict: the Bosch website.

When it stopped raining, I measured it by pacing it out. I know that my foot with a shoe on is ten inches. :blink:

Would anyone like to guess how far out my calculations are? The measurements are in metres and then square metres. Can you present your guess as a percentage?

For the purposes of this research I have decided that the front lawn is approx half the size of the back lawn. I do not want my neighbours to see me drunkenly trying to walk in a straight line, carefully placing one foot in front of the other, besides which the front lawn is a funny shape. :laugh:


Vice Admiral
Have you got the one where you can adjust the height and position of the handles, Flexi wotsit?


Vice Admiral
I am very pleased with my cordless upright vacuum cleaner. The mother of the lady next door has one, and she recommended it. I whizzed round the house with it, in a quarter of the time that it takes with the corded vacuum cleaner.

It is not a Dyson, it is a Gtech Air Ram.


No, I can't adjust the height and position but they seem to be about right for me

(by the way I'm 4' 2" and have 3' 6" long arms. Oh and my left leg is 3" longer than the right :laugh:)
Thought I recognised you

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