Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Clever Tea? people.....why are some of the cycling icons orange and other's in grey on the main forum menu? I'm sure Jo, NT or Phil will know the answer :thumbsup:

They are all orange for me


I'm not clever:laugh:
But all the icons are orange when i log in,however when i log out,the Shopping and Discounts forum icon turns Grey and it says"Private" and the Current Affairs and Debates Forum just vanishes:wacko:

Night Train

Maker of Things
I noticed the other week that a bike rack had appeared in next door's back garden. As it is flats I assume the landlord put the racks in. They seem to have been bolted down on to paving slabs placed on the gravel.

Today I noticed that the rack has been in use overnight.
Not sure about the effectiveness of the rack nor the means of keeping the weather off.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I noticed the other week that a bike rack had appeared in next door's back garden. As it is flats I assume the landlord put the racks in. They seem to have been bolted down on to paving slabs placed on the gravel.

Today I noticed that the rack has been in use overnight.
Not sure about the effectiveness of the rack nor the means of keeping the weather off.
View attachment 24709

They could peg a tarp between those two lines to keep the rain off!

Night Train

Maker of Things
You know he's already come up with numerous plans to build a proper one for them. And/or to turn the bench into something tractor-related.
I supplied three steel bike lockers to my other neighbour, the one I have been gardening with. I got them free, as scrap metal, from college a while back.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'm just watching the thing on cats. Funny seeing a cat-eye view of humans!

We collected from a house today, and my workmate suddenly laughed and said "look at that cat!" It was climbing the net curtain in the window to try and reach a fly. The condition of the net curtain suggested this was a regular occurance!


speaking of weather covers for bikes
The cycling themed activity for today was to rescue a bicycle cover that the gale was whipping around the garden, it was from the 99p shop in town bargain I thought..wrestling with it in the driving rain it proceeded to wrap itself around my head and caused me to stagger over a bmx and graze my shin on the chainring, whilst my two children watched with glee from the dry kitchen, managing to wrench it from the wet suction it was applying to my airways I did finally get it to sit over one of the two bikes,I wedged it between the frame and the picnic bench the bike was locked to and tied it to the handlebars and made a run for the kitchen, but turned in time to see the bike cover soar over our wall into the twenty acre potato field...my two were delighted with the performance, me..less so.
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