Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
I would make you :cuppa: @Biscuit but it might not be a good idea ... my kitchen-related mini-disasters continue. Not me injured this time, but a plate will be undergoing re-constructive surgery later on. You may expect a thread asking for suggestions to remove superglue and/or crockery from one's fingers.


Vice Admiral
I would like to know where Leo went two days ago. :scratch:Can he borrow Potsy's headcam?

He left the house as a white cat, but returned several hours later as a grey and black cat. It is no exageration to say that his paws are completely black, and the colour of his legs fades slowly through dark grey to light grey. If I thought I would survive giving him a bath, I would do so.


West Somerset
I would like to know where Leo went two days ago. :scratch:Can he borrow Potsy's headcam?

He left the house as a white cat, but returned several hours later as a grey and black cat. It is no exageration to say that his paws are completely black, and the colour of his legs fades slowly through dark grey to light grey. If I thought I would survive giving him a bath, I would do so.

If it's not so much this:

..but this:

...then you need one of these:


Legendary Member

I'd love to see someone try and get the cat into that contraption. *goes to search on you tube * :rofl:


Vice Admiral
@Night Train

Do you use golden caster sugar or "white" caster sugar in your cakes? I accidentally bought the white variety recently, and when I made a sponge pudding with it, the sponge was much lighter (in texture) than with the golden caster sugar.
Is this a coincidence?

As I was cooking it in the microwave, I added some wholemeal self-raising flour to the white self-raising flour.
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