Tea? (Part 2)

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Harder than Ronnie Pickering
Meanwood, Leeds
I've been up since 5.00am...Mrs R is going to a conference in Tromso and so had an early start :tired:

I'm looking at the sofa and wondering whether it might be worth having a quick snooze :giggle:

Go for it. I'd even have a slow snooze.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I should be pulling out roots today but it is Dad's birthday and I have therapy 'homework' to do. Also it is forecasting :rain: for most of the day.

Despite a late night, 1.30am, I was up at 8am and have had breakfast and a :cuppa:.


Morning! hope you are all well?
So,,listening to Cracklin Rosie by Neil Diamond, large cup of sweet coffee before rolling the ageing Renault down through the hills into Helston, was going to cycle but its blowing a Hooligan, fingers crossed for the local postman vacancy too:thumbsup:.
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