Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
There's a huge body of evidence that says chocolate is good for you
Well, the 100 g bar of dark chocolate that I bought from LIDL yesterday will have to wait until tomorrow to make me better because today is a fasting day! :stop:


Hello all, 10 sugars please!
what a day that was, I really must build a bigger shed. Couldn't wait any longer for the rain to stop to reassemble my bike so bit the bullet and worked in a torrential downpour for 2 hours..bright side is the bike is running smoother than before with new bearings and new lithium grease :smile: .I remember growing up in Zambia and the only kids programme was Sesame Street for half an hour a day and nothing else, 1974! me and my twin brother we ADORED Big Bird!.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Today I cut down a 30' tall Hawthorn tree for a friend. He and his friends helped but we quickly found that wood workers can saw for a lot longer then musicians can!:training:

The tree was starting to rot and had a split that meant it was going to fall into the front room window of the house next door. That was easy. Rope up the tree so it couldn't fall the wrong way and then fell it from 7' off the ground where it was leaning the right way. Then cut the rest of the tree at 12" above ground level so that it will coppice.

Then I cut down a 20' long Birch limb from a tree that was smaller then the limb it produced. The limb was sticking out sideways, almost horizontal, across the neighbour's drive and pulling the Birch tree over.

Then I cut a 12' limb off another Hawthorn that was also leaning across the neighbour's drive.
All the timber was then cut up into firewood logs ready for splitting and seasoning.

I also pulled a stump out of the ground.

Please tell me you have all the right gear? I work with people who have ether had accidents with chainsaws or have witnessed them. Isn't Arch's birthday nearly upon us? NT should be rapped in cotton wool or bubble rap to prevent any mishaps. :laugh:
I have all the right gear...

Axe and digging spades to get a stump out:

Two person tree saw to cut down trees:


And a single handed tree saw for converting the tree in to logs, but my friend from Bolton came to help and collect the logs before I got a photo of the huge pile. Some went in his car and most of the rest is in my driveway. The remainder, the small twiggy stuff, is for a bonfire and BBQ this weekend.

(Almost no fossil fuels were used in the clearing of trees from this garden, just the winch on the back of my car to pull the stump so I had to drive my car 50 yards up the road. I know, I know, I could have just used one of my many hand winches but I wasn't sure of a suitable anchor point. I guess I could have pushed my car there and back again though.)

I did have a minor mishap. In the above photo you can just make out an opening to a boarded up basement window. Well I stepped backwards and my right leg disappeared into the opening. Fortunately just as I felt my lower leg being wrenched sideways at the knee I fell into a sitting position just facing the right way to allow my knee to bend the way it should. I have a graze on my shin and bruise on my thigh to show for it, but nothing of any significance, unlike the other:B) people here today!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I did have a minor mishap. In the above photo you can just make out an opening to a boarded up basement window. Well I stepped backwards and my right leg disappeared into the opening. Fortunately just as I felt my lower leg being wrenched sideways at the knee I fell into a sitting position just facing the right way to allow my knee to bend the way it should. I have a graze on my shin and bruise on my thigh to show for it, but nothing of any significance, unlike the other:B) people here today!

<shakes fist> Why, yooooooooooooooooooou!

Damn good day's work though, well done! I'm still looking forward to getting a go with the big saws.


10 sugars! :eek:

Even one sugar is one too many....
only two really, 10 was the measure of the day I had:cuppa:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
What is Coronation Street? I am familiar with quality street :unsure:

It's like Quality Street, only mildly curry flavoured.

No significant rain here, which is a nuisance, because we'd like it to mush down the cardboard skip contents a bit. My workmate said we were forecast 6", but no sign of that.
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