Tea? (Part 2)

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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
:hello: Morning all. A rather late start here as I feel like poo. xx(

However I shall try some :cuppa:. I have phoned in sick. :sad:. In other news, Dave had tripe for breakfast. Glad I didn't get that mixed up, or maybe I did and hence feeling xx(. :wacko:
:sad: Hope you get over it soon.


Legendary Member
I have progressed from the loo to the laptop, and I'm reviewing the packing kit list from the Bicycle Traveller website. Where am I going to put it all I wonder. I have front and rear panniers, ortlieb should be ok, and have just panic bought a bar bag for rapid delivery to Pentlow Towers. ( My bungalow ).
Think the sleeping roll mat thing will have to go.


*returns to the loo*


Vice Admiral

HUG smiley.gif


Don't squeeze too hard...
We can name him Crumbles then..........

:hugs:GWS Biscuit


West Somerset
My finches (of which there are many) have been proudly showing off their youngsters for a while now but I've not seen any others. However, I have worked out that there are at least two woodpeckers. One has a mohawk and flies directly to its feeder of choice but the other has a more conservative hairstyle and prefers to land on the fence and then jump from feeder to feeder until it lands on target - reminds me of Mario/Sonic video games!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Please tell me you have all the right gear? I work with people who have ether had accidents with chainsaws or have witnessed them. Isn't Arch's birthday nearly upon us? NT should be rapped in cotton wool or bubble rap to prevent any mishaps. :laugh:

I think NT's plans were all for human powered cutting, not chainsawing.

And I'm not having a birthday this year, it's too dangerous.;)




Can I add myself to the sick list. I've moved doctors, and during my m.o.t at the new clinic they found my blood pressure is proper high, so next week I have to wear a monitor for 24 hours. Bum

I suspect it may be spending a day with Arch that did it:whistle:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

Can I add myself to the sick list. I've moved doctors, and during my m.o.t at the new clinic they found my blood pressure is proper high, so next week I have to wear a monitor for 24 hours. Bum

I suspect it may be spending a day with Arch that did it:whistle:

Oh, that's right, blame me!:rolleyes:

See, that's the problem with doctors, they always find something wrong. Have a calming cuppa and listen to some soothing whale music.:cuppa:
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