*wafts one of
@phil_hg_uk's shoes under nose to wake up*
When I finally got back on my bike after a 9 month break, I did a 5.5 mile ride round the nearest flat roads, then came home and put my bike away. I wandered about in my cycling kit for a few minutes and became aware that a ghastly smell was following me about, a heady mixture of industrial solvent and the remains of Yorkshire Dales roadkill. It took me a while to work out what it was ...
Wind the clock back to Summer, 2012 - you know, the one where it rained a lot, in those heady days when I still had lungs that worked and a hefty belly to lug about to test them. Well, I only went and did a long ride in the rain, didn't I! But that isn't really the pertinent fact. No, it was the fact that I left my cycling shoes where I took them off, and made no attempt to dry them.
Now, advance to mid-July and my forum ride to Otley ... I was rushing about getting ready to go out and meet my
victims fellow forum riders, when my nose detected the stench of death - it was my rancid cycling shoes!
Something had to be done in a hurry. There was not time to put the shoes through a 6 hour wash cycle. My eyes darted about the room, finally alighting on a bottle of cheap aftershave which had been given to me over a decade before by a family member who clearly didn't like me very much, and had connections in the chemical industry. I seized upon the bottle and tipped 10 mL of the evil liquid inside each shoe ...
Fast forward 8.5 months and the smell of the shoes lingered on! Evidently, the half-life of semi-dissolved decaying pheasant is measured in years rather than months ...
I'm now waiting for somebody to do the research which shows that chemicals absorbed through the soles of the feet can cause life-threatening DVTs!