Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
* passes freshly-baked doughnut to Biscuit with the warning not to tell Wocky *


Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island

Would anyone really like to see a photo of my finger mid-op?
RIP :sad:

@Stephenite - I suspect I'll be the lone voice. Fascinated by all things gore. Could never have been a doctor (maths and science aside) because I'd be too interested in what hurt and not nearly interested enough in making it go away :thumbsup: :

I want to see it too, sod NT's cake. Sorry, but, if its a choice between a bit of gore and cake, put me down for the gore any time!!

You do need to remember that I'm the guy who, on having his colitis addled large intestine moved, asked one of the surgeons to take a picture of it because I was curious to see it!

....... Other than Jo and Steph, does anyone want to see it?? :laugh:


West Somerset
Psssst, MDB, it's not just @Arch who is a girl! (though I don't have a brompton :whistle:)

wolly, that sounds sensible if sad but by the sounds of things, not going is much better than going. Just hope it's not the one wedding where someone coughs and raises their hand at The Moment.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Please don't.... ooh look, a squirrel.
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