Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
A huge amount of cars have suddenly parked outside blocking entrances and in other people's drives. Then I saw a hearse leaving the big family house up the road. The coffin in the back was tiny.
RIP little one, whoever you were. :sad:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
*wafts one of @phil_hg_uk's shoes under nose to wake up*


Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
A huge amount of cars have suddenly parked outside blocking entrances and in other people's drives. Then I saw a hearse leaving the big family house up the road. The coffin in the back was tiny.
RIP little one, whoever you were. :sad:

Would anyone really like to see a photo of my finger mid-op?
I'm content with just the description thanks.:thumbsup:

Night Train

Maker of Things
Makes one stop and think about how fortunate we are to be around enjoying life.

Cake! I am out tonight to meet up with some of the MSc students from the course I was on years ago. Big social step for me as I am going alone and have no idea if I will know anyone who is going to be there. It is a meal it someone's 10th floor 'apartment' so I have cake and wine as my offering.


West Somerset
RIP :sad:

@Stephenite - I suspect I'll be the lone voice. Fascinated by all things gore. Could never have been a doctor (maths and science aside) because I'd be too interested in what hurt and not nearly interested enough in making it go away :thumbsup:

:hungry::hungry: @NT.

Took the dog out. It started :rain:. Came back inside, made :cuppa:, switched on laptop. It's now :sun:.



I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
RIP :sad:
It started :rain:. Came back inside, made :cuppa:, switched on laptop. It's now :sun:.

Next time switch the laptop on before you go out :idea:


Vice Admiral
I agree, @coffeejo, cake baking is a challenge when it is for a party.

I think you are right to ring up and tell the host that you are not able to take a cake. This means that if anyone rings up later today or tomorrow, and asks what they should take, then your host can suggest something in the cakey/dessert line. This is what I would like you to do, if I was the hostess, because then I could buy some fruit or something for dessert, even if I had not got time for making a cake myself.

Could you take some shop-bought nibbles instead? Like some crisps? (:scratch::secret: Buy two large bags, ;) then you can eat one bag, and still have one left to take with you.) Or cheese straws? or ... after dinner barbecue mints?


Most are voting 'no' for the mid-op photo. Probably for the best as it might put people off NT's cake.

For the photo think a pale Walls banger. Chew and suck the end, and smear a little ketchup.


West Somerset
@Speicher - I've taken note of my own advice to NT yesterday and picked up the phone to say it ain't happening. Just hope my rambling answerphone message sounds more coherent than it does in my memory. :scratch: I've already agreed to pick up sausages from my local butcher's (proper ones, not @Stephenite's broken fingers) but that's a great idea about nibbles. :highfive:


Vice Admiral
I have been invited to my nephew's wedding on Saturday. Unfortunately, due to a motorway journey of at least three hours each way, and getting to the church, sitting in uncomfortable pews for an hour or so, then milling around outside, followed by a crowded noisy reception, I will not be going. Or, as you say, it isn't happening.

I would also be responsible for looking after my Mother during the day. Someone Else will have that pleasure.

I have apologised to my nephew, who seems to understand, and to my brother, who also understands. I have hardly seen or spoken to my nephew over the last ten years.

When the Wedding was first talked about last year, I really thought I would feel up to making the journey. Sadly I am not. Staying overnight at the venue, does not help, as I would then have to take two cats to a cattery, and accomodation at the venue is extremely expensive.


Vice Admiral
@Speicher - I've taken note of my own advice to NT yesterday and picked up the phone to say it ain't happening. Just hope my rambling answerphone message sounds more coherent than it does in my memory. :scratch: I've already agreed to pick up sausages from my local butcher's (proper ones, not @Stephenite's broken fingers) but that's a great idea about nibbles. :highfive:

Proper local butcher's sausages sounds ideal. :hungry:
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