Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset

Did someone say :cuppa:?


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
:wahhey: YAY just spent the last hour balancing the books for my business, now I have to do my personal accounts :cursing:


A cup of tea never tastes so good than when you've just arrived home from the hospital.

I thought i'd better get my finger looked at since I hit it with the sharp, pointy end of an axe a week and a half ago, and still hadn't healed. Turned out they had to remove both parts of the nail (the broken bit north of the axe cut, and the bit under the skin) and cement them back together. Then they made a small incision to scrape out a garden pea sized amount of newly-grown but excess flesh, and a piece of bone, and sew it back together. By this time the anæsthetic had wore off so when they replaced the repaired fingernail it hurt like billy-o. Then a couple of stitches to hold the nail in place, and that hurt too. An x-ray revealed another little break which will, probably, heal.

The doctor said it would have been better if i'd come earlier. But as I hadn't completely severed the finger I thought it'd be alright with a plaster. Ah, well, you live and learn.

Time for another cup :smile:
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