Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
:cuppa: required. About to have one of Those Conversations with Mother Dearest.

It started yesterday.

MD: "I can't find X. Have you got it?"
Me: "Think so, I'll check."
MD: "Valuable, you should sell it, blah blah blah"

I've just looked and can't find it anywhere. :wacko:

Night Train

Maker of Things
:cuppa: required. About to have one of Those Conversations with Mother Dearest.

It started yesterday.

MD: "I can't find X. Have you got it?"
Me: "Think so, I'll check."
MD: "Valuable, you should sell it, blah blah blah"

I've just looked and can't find it anywhere. :wacko:
Are you sure you've not already sold it?^_^

I am feeling a bit :wacko: myself. I have been out and got a new tax disc road fund licence vehicle excise duty disc for the car. The weather has been cold, warm, muggy, damp, bright, cloudy. So I was out to the PO wearing a jumper and a rain coat but putting the disc in the car and emptying the bins in a tee shirt. Now I am back inside I think I need another lay on! :scratch:

I think I am going to have to call the DSS as well. I was confident about doing that on Tuesday, not so sure today.:sad:

Maybe a :cuppa: will help.:thumbsup:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
At £1 a bag it would have been rude not to :mrpig: :hungry:



De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I see that's a sharing bag...
but it looks empty?:sad:

I think it's just one of those Wednesdays when anything we do is a bonus, hope you're OK NT... just seen my mum off on the train to her sister's- they're 80 and 82 and flying to Rome for a week touring gardens around the city, including the Villa D'Este!

So, look out Romans!:giggle: I almost feel sorry for them, they haven't got a clue what's about to descend on them... [from 35000 feet!]


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I see that's a sharing bag...
but it looks empty?:sad:


Night Train

Maker of Things
Cheers Jo, :cuppa: is much needed.
I am just sitting around waiting for the return call now, anytime up to 5pm but if not then tomorrow 9-1pm. I daren't go and do anything now in case I miss, or can't take, the call.
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