Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!



I have a garden bench like the one in the top picture. This afternoon while :cuppa: in the :sun: I was trying to work out if it could be temporarily made into a miniature green house, by putting some slats of wood across the arms of the bench. Then I noticed the wooden structure in the foreground of the bottom picture. Did you make that (from a dismantled shed) or buy it? It seems like it doubles up as a workstand for potting up plants, and also providing shelter for plants on the lower levels.

I am guessing that your garden is more sheltered that my garden. In yesterday's wind any lightweight green houses in this garden would have been blown away by the gusts of wind, and landed perhaps fifty yards away on the conservatory roof of the house two doors down the street.

The structure with the plants on top is one of my log stores I bought online a few years ago, I now have a much bigger double log store I use so the small one is the overflow store.

It does get very windy sometimes but the fence shelters the greenhouse and stops it blowing away, I only put the plants on top of the log store while it is sunny.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
My cooking would be best described as functional :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Photo of fish pie is required :hungry: along with requisite tin of G&T, and left over christmas cards.

Well, if you insist:


It was shandy tonight, and an impatient NT's fork...

Your batter looked lovely TVC!

The fish pie had Poulting (reduced in Morrisons, white fish), and the pack of seafood mix left from when I made Paella, which I'd frozen - prawns, mussels and squid. White sauce made with fish poaching liquor, which had bay leaf, peppercorns and dill in it.

Not bad, if I say so myself... :hungry:


Excellent work Arch. Nice golden, crunchy looking topping. I bet NT made very short work of it.

Of course I was forgetting, it's shandy with fish, G&T with paella^_^


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Excellent work Arch. Nice golden, crunchy looking topping. I bet NT made very short work of it.

Of course I was forgetting, it's shandy with fish, G&T with paella^_^

The topping was top quality Sainsburys Basics Red Leicester cheese, of course! And miraculously the potato topping didn't sink into the sauce, or insist on turning itself upside down on the plate, which normally happens.

It seemed to go down alright!
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