Why should we pay for anything that we don’t directly benefit from?
Normally the argument is that as a society, we benefit indirectly; we benefit from trains carrying people and goods even if we don't use them, cycle lanes benefit non-cyclists because of reduced traffic and improved air quality, schools benefit us because a better educated workforce creates wealth (and pays pensions); national parks preserve our natural environment and biodiversity which helps agriculture; the NHS benefits everyone indirectly because we lose less work days et c.
In my own field, apart from the moral argument, society benefits economically when people with psychological or mental illness and/or disability are protected and have meaningful work because it means they are less likely to become addicted and/or get involved with criminal activity or living on the streets, which costs far more to deal with.
As I said above, I'm not arguing that the arts should not get supported; that would be an odd position for someone who worked in theatre for almost a decade, but given that all the above activities have to provide a cost benefit analysis, so should the arts. That's not to say it should make a profit, but it needs to be accountable and show how it benefits society, not just tell people they're ignorant when they object; the burden of proof is on those benefiting from the support to prove it's worth it, in order to expect support from the public.
Is there such an analysis, and if not, why should the public support something without evidence this benefits more than a small group of "experts"?