Tales from today's commute....

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A new record I think this morning - I must have seen at least 10 cyclists before I left St Ives - that's a lot for me to see so early in the morning...

Nice tailwind and very mild with it, was sweating buckets when I go to the office.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Back on the fixed today. Who put that bloody big gear on it?

Got tailgated by another cyclist for about 4 miles into the head wind. I pointed out all the pot holes. Not a word from him. Miserable bugger.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Traffic, so much bloody traffic in SE London this morning.
Another day of waking up to rain on the velux, but the time I left for work it had stopped. And it was milder then recently.

@Beebo @deptfordmarmoset @Nocode . All change at the Lewisham RAB of death. No traffic from the right when turning left from Molesworth Street.
Soon it will no longer be a roundabout. The development is so extensive it's quite hard to work out where what is where. The present roundabout is just below where Confluence Place is marked. Good riddance to the RAB - it seems to have been designed to encourage the worst possible lane behaviour for tired commuters and distracted shoppers. There'll be more lights though. Stopping traffic is the new way forward....


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Soon it will no longer be a roundabout. The development is so extensive it's quite hard to work out where what is where. The present roundabout is just below where Confluence Place is marked. Good riddance to the RAB - it seems to have been designed to encourage the worst possible lane behaviour for tired commuters and distracted shoppers. There'll be more lights though. Stopping traffic is the new way forward....

Yup, seen that. And looking nothing at all at the moment like the pic.

Hip Priest

The cyclist speeding along the pavement, scattering pedestrians in his wake, is one of the favourite tropes of the anti-cycling brigade. And today, 15000 miles into my cycling career, I actually saw it happen for the first time. Stupid git was bombing along the pavement alongside the RVI and people were having to jump out of his way.


Legendary Member
Pretty chuffed when I stepped out of the door, the forecast rain wasn't falling. Smugness wiped away at least 20 seconds later as I pulled away, that fine stuff too. Only lasted for the first 5 miles or so. Not far from work, one of the smaller lanes is absolutely covered in crap, deposited from tractor wheels. A proportion of that crap thought it best to grab a lift with me and has now undone my weekend work of cleaning and then some. I'm sure the hack is about a kilo heavier now!

I had that rain for a fair while this morning, then the sun came up and the rain stopped giving a pleasant if breezy last hour or so. If the weather forecast is right I should be back on the ice bike for the rest of the week


Legendary Member
Yeah, the NWerly meant a head/cross wind for me this morning. Hopefully, it remains in that direction as a tailwind on the way home is always welcome.

My left hand is still giving me grief, I suspect I fractured a small bone when I hit the ice...Whilst I'm whining, my groin strain has got worse. On the plus side - no new nosebleeds...!

Thinking about doing away with the front mech, inner chainring and cable and getting a narrow/wide, single ring upfront.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Yeah, the NWerly meant a head/cross wind for me this morning. Hopefully, it remains in that direction as a tailwind on the way home is always welcome.

My left hand is still giving me grief, I suspect I fractured a small bone when I hit the ice...Whilst I'm whining, my groin strain has got worse. On the plus side - no new nosebleeds...!

Thinking about doing away with the front mech, inner chainring and cable and getting a narrow/wide, single ring upfront.

Still in the wars bud?
Rimas runs a single chain ring up front on one of his bikes.


Über Member
10 degrees warmer than mid-week last week, had to stop and take my coat off. All the fair weather cyclists are out now, couldn't move for cyclists on the busway. For some reason makes me think of Father Ted when they are discussing what Father Jack affectionately calls the poor - "A shower of b***ards"


Senior Member
In a way I'm not looking forward to summer, the canal can be busy enough at the moment, let alone when all the summer cyclists, walkers and kids are on it. It'll be slow going if I carry on using it.


Moortown, Leeds
Well I was having a nice commute to work, working on my Cadence to try and pace my first full week commuting, then some crazy zombie ped walked out on me. The panic that went through my mind (I am 3 months post plate surgery for a badly damaged/broken shoulder), I land on my right side and the Ped landed somewhere else. So now I am stiff and saw, my bike will be stuck at work until I can ride again and I have ruined my Castelli nano leggings (worn 3 times) and the wife is going mental. Its the end of my commuting to work days I am afraid to say, I cant risk it and the worry its causing my wife is a big factor in it, it took me 3 months off the bike to convince her my previous incident was pure bad luck.

The good news though is she finally agreed for N+1 at the weekend but I will be doing weekday dawn raids or club runs from now on. Bye bye my SCR nameless friends... :cry:


Legendary Member
10 degrees warmer than mid-week last week, had to stop and take my coat off. All the fair weather cyclists are out now, couldn't move for cyclists on the busway. For some reason makes me think of Father Ted when they are discussing what Father Jack affectionately calls the poor - "A shower of b***ards"

I used the mis-guided busway lane this morning from the Station out to Sawston. Not my usual commute. Certainly plenty of people out on there this morning. All going the other way. :thumbsup: Made for interesting riding. Most peds plugged into headphones. :music: Makes you realise just how much you rely on sound to stay safe.
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